Ethics and Sustainability: a series of appointments
From 2010 till 2012, the Fondazione Ernesto Illy and Bocconi University organised a series of events that focused on the themes of ethics and corporate sustainability, to which Ernesto Illy devoted his studies and his daily work as an entrepreneur and scientist.
The first event was held on January 21, 2010 at Bocconi University in Milan with the collaboration of Centromarca and the Italian Association of Industry for Brands. The specific theme of the first event, entitled “Più valore per competere“ (More value to compete), was the role of competition based on values and the quality of goods, compared to competition based on price and the low costs. At the first event, a study was presented initiated by Bocconi University on behalf of Centromarca, inspired by the same Ernesto Illy, and concluded in collaboration with the Fondazione Ernesto Illy. The study was then published by the publishing house Egea (Bocconi), entitled “Creare valore nella supply chain: modelli di gestione a confronto” (Creating value in the supply chain: compariing management models).
The second event was held on January 27, 2011 at Bocconi University in Milan with the collaboration of Centromarca and teh Italian newspaper Il Corriere della Sera entitled “Più valore per le imprese e il Sistema Paese – Dal breve al lungo periodo: orizzonti strategici per una crescita durevole“ (More value for companies and the Country System – from short to long term: strategic horizons for a sustainable growth). The second event features the subject of the competitive strategy under a new light: it compared competitive strategies based on the construction of value and that of low price, already addressed in general terms the previous year. On this occasion, the study “Valore, Impresa e Sistema Paese: strategie d’azienda per la generazione di valore sostenibile“ (Value, Company and Country System: strategies for business for the generation of sustainable value) was presented and published by the publishing house Egea (Bocconi).
The third and final event was held on May 10, 2012 at the Bocconi University of Milan. The theme of this edition was “Economia sostenibile, benessere e qualità della vita: un nuovo concetto di ricchezza dall’azienda al sistema Paese“ (Sustainable economy, prosperity and quality of life: a new concept of wealth from companies to country), with special guest speeaker, the Indian economist Nobel prize winner in economics in 1998, Amartya Sen. There were debates on sustainable development with emphasis on the relationship between the wealth created by companies and the quality of life of the so-called “stakeholders”. Also on this occasion the study was presented and published by the publishing house Egea (Bocconi) entitled “Sustainable Value Creation: From a Country to a corporate Perspective“.